Unik chans – bli en del av en internationell musikskapargemenskap med kreatörer från Danmark, Sverige, Norge, Holland, Island och Tyskland!
Skap erbjuder fyra platser till en internationell onlineutbildning som avslutas med ett camp i Köpenhamn. Under kursen Drivkraft – The Release Plan som är 4 månader lång och drivs av vår danska systerorganisation Autor, blir du uppdaterad om hur du planerar, kommunicerar, distribuerar och hanterar ditt musiksläpp. Musikskapare i alla åldrar, kön och genrer kan ansöka om en plats i ett av våra Drivkraft-team som leds av den erfarna coachen och projektledaren Cecilia Krill.
Vi börjar den 20 september 2022, och kompositörer och låtskrivare bjuds in till en tvådagars liveträff i Köpenhamn i januari 2023 för att slutföra kurserna.
Kursen är på engelska, helt kostnadsfri och inkluderar även kost och logi under träffen i Köpenhamn. Du bokar din egen resa dit men Skap ersätter dig för resekostnaden vid inskickat kvitto. Du ansöker direkt hos Autor som utser vilka som får en plats.
Sök senast 25 augusti här!

Mer information om Drivkraft – The release plan
Drivkraft is Danish for driving force. Drivkraft – The release plan is a 4-month online international course, where you get upgraded, motivated and activated to publish your music together with colleagues from all over Europe. The course is mainly online, but it ends with a physical camp in the beginning of January 2023 in Copenhagen. A total of 48 music creators from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Iceland and Germany will participate in the project.
An international network and tools for your release
Drivkraft has two main goals
1) To give the participants tools to further their own careers – to get better at releasing your own music
2) To create a creative community across borders based on trust, motivation, and strength: An international network of colleagues who can help you on your way.
The 48 participants from 6 different countries will be divided into 4 teams of 12 people, who will meet online once a week. Two of the teams will be only for women and gender minorities and 2 of the teams will be free for anyone to attend. Over the course of 4 months, the participants, together with a number of other composers, will receive concrete tools for a.o:
• planning / structure
• Communication (press release, storytelling, contact with journalists, ideas for photos, email lists)
• Social Media (strategy, content)
• Digital distribution, contact to streaming sites
• Building / expanding the fan base
• Finance as a freelance musician
Community is key
All of these elements are important, but the most important thing is to have some people who can help one in the process and give good advice. Therefore, the community is big part of the project: To have a space where you can talk with other musicians and composers from a number of different countries.
The whole process ends with a live workshop in Copenhagen on January 6.-7 2023 for all participants, where there will be workshops, knowledge sharing and social events.
Our goal for this project is to strengthen the project management skills of a lot of songwriters and independent musicians and to provide every one attending with an international network of friends.
The practical stuff
– The course is 2 hours zoom call every week i – In English. Most of the course is centered around your team of 12 people but the 4 guest workshop will include all 48 participants online. It´s expected that you attend all the session – and if you have to cancel one or two sessions make sure that you tell your team in advance.
– The deadline for applications is August 25th 2022, and we´ll inform everyone about the course by September 1st 2022.
– We aim to recruit diversely both regarding age, gender, geography, genre, ethnicity and sexuality. Two out of the 4 teams are for women and gender minorities only. 2
– The Live workshop will take place in Copenhagen on Friday the 6th and Saturday the 7th of January 2023. We plan to meet Friday morning and afternoon for workshops and talks followed by social events in the evening. Saturday is for workshops ending in the late afternoon.
Drivkraft –the releaseplan 2022 – Schedule
The course extends over three and a half months from September 2oth 2022 to January 7th 2023. The course consists of weekly online sessions and workshops from industry professionals, and a two-day live New Year’s camp in Copenhagen.
Teaching on the 4 teams: Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10.00-12.00 & 14.00-16.00 CET Joint workshops across: Wednesdays 14.00 – 16.00
Team 1: Women and gender minorities
Tuesday 20. september 10.00-12.00: Personal leadership and work/life balance
Tuesday 27. september 10.00-12.00: Motivation and personal strengths
Tuesday 4. October 10.00-12.00: Setting goals and visions
Tuesday 11. October 10.00-12.00: Process, decisions and power of action
Wednesday 26. October 14.00-16.00: Guest workshop – Social Media
Tuesday 1. november 10.00-12.00: Understanding your project
Wednesday 9. november 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Musician economy
Tuesday 15. November 10.00-12.00: Pitching / visibility
Wednesday 23. November 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Distribution/ streaming
Tuesday 29. November 10.00-12.00: Strategy and planning
Wednesday 7. December 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Press kit / Storytelling
Tuesday 13. December 10.00-12.00: Structure and work flow
Live workshop in Copenhagen: 6.-7. January 2023
Team 2: All genders
Tuesday 20. september 14.00-16.00: Personal leadership and work/life balance
Tuesday 27. september 14.00-16.00: Motivation and personal strengths
Tuesday 4. October 14.00-16.00: Setting goals and visions
Tuesday 11. October 14.00-16.00: Process, decisions and power of action
Wednesday 26. October 14.00-16.00: Guest workshop – Social Media
Tuesday 1. november 14.00-16.00: Understanding your project
Wednesday 9. november 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Musician economy
Tuesday 15. November 14.00-16.00: Pitching / visibility
Wednesday 23. november 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Distribution/ streaming
Tuesday 29. November 14.00-16.00: Strategy and planning
Wednesday 7. December 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Press kit / Storytelling
Tuesday 13. December 14.00-16.00: Structure and work flow
Live workshop in Copenhagen: 6.-7. January 2023
Team 3: All genders
Wednesday 21. september 10.00-12.00: Personal leadership and work/life balance
Wednesday 28. september 10.00-12.00: Motivation and personal strengths
Wednesday 5. October 10.00-12.00: Setting goals and visions
Wednesday 12. October 10.00-12.00: Process, decisions and power of action 3
Wednesday 26. October 14.00-16.00: Guest workshop – Social Media
Wednesday 2. november 10.00-12.00: Understanding your project
Wednesday 9. november 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Musician economy
Wednesday 16. November 10.00-12.00: Pitching / visibility
Wednesday 23. November 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Distribution/ streaming
Wednesday 30. November 10.00-12.00: Strategy and planning
Wednesday 7. December 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Press kit / Storytelling
Wednesday 14. December 10.00-12.00: Structure and work flow
Live workshop in Copenhagen: 6.-7. January 2023
Team 4: Women and gender minorities
Wednesday 21. September 14.00-16.00: Personal leadership and work/life balance
Wednesday 28. September 14.00-16.00: Motivation and personal strengths
Wednesday 5. October 14.00-16.00: Setting goals and visions
Wednesday 12. October 14.00-16.00: Process, decisions and power of action
Wednesday 26. October 14.00-16.00: Guest workshop – Social Media
Wednesday 2. November 14.00-16.00: Understanding your project
Wednesday 9. November 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Musician economy
Wednesday 16. November 14.00-16.00: Pitching / visibility
Wednesday 23. November 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Distribution/ streaming
Wednesday 30. November 14.00-16.00: Strategy and planning
Wednesday 7. December 14.00 -16.00: Guest workshop – Press kit / Storytelling
Wednesday 14. December 14.00-16.00: Structure and work flow
Live workshop in Copenhagen: 6.-7. January 2023
Deadline for applications is August 25th 2022, and we´ll inform everyone about the course by September 1st 2022.
Link to application: https://forms.gle/p8XNDdKVuuy6Bq5c8
About the initiators
Autor is Denmark’s largest organization for songwriters and composers with over 1700 members. The organization, together with Coach and consultant Cecilia Krill, has for over 2 years developed on the project Drivkraft, which has had more than 200 people through development courses. The reactions from participants have been overwhelmingly positive, and our conclusion on this is that the music industry needs both ”hard” values such as project management and planning, but also softer values such as community, courage, strength and mental health.

Collaborators and partners
Skap, Sweden Nopa, Norway Verso, Germany Bam! Popauters, Netherlands FTT, Iceland
Drivkraft is supported by Augustinus Fonden and Wisti Fonden.